About Us

Milwaukee Area Psychological Services

Milwaukee Area Psychological Services (MAPS) is a private practice offering comprehensive mental health services to people ranging from late adolescence to older adulthood. MAPS provides individual therapy and couples counseling. MAPS offers both in-person and telehealth sessions. MAPS can also provide workshops and educational seminars. Using short- or longer-term therapy, we help people make deep, sustainable change, the benefits of which are seen in everyday life. 

Life frequently presents challenges. MAPS assists individuals and couples navigate these difficult situations. At MAPS we will work alongside you to better understand your patterns of behavior, as these may affect your relationship with yourself and others.  Developing a deeper understanding of yourself allows you to make meaningful changes toward a more fulfilling and authentic life. 

If you are ready for guidance in navigating a challenging path; if you desire assistance in charting a new course ahead; we look forward to collaborating with you. 

If you are a clinician in independent practice and are interested in utilizing therapy space within MAPS, please feel free to contact us through the contact us page or via phone to inquire if we have space available. We do not offer any employment or volunteer opportunities for clinicians or admin.

Leslie and David